Gain competitive advantages in "Easy coding" compared with other technology.
No STEM No Money No Security.
runlinc easy coding makes STEM IOT,AI projects quickly ,easily and fun.
Smart solar green energy
I have changed my normal house into a smart green solar energy house , by reducing the monthly cost of electricity
Also I have brought people to change their houses into green energy houses
solar powered zero net carbon emission , runlinc smart home which provides UN SDG 4 quality education in makers STEM coding training to develop UN SDG 5gender equality
When I bring those customers , the owner of the company will give me a discount on monthly installment-payment
The sells of the company increased and also the profit of the owner will increase
Helping customer children to learn about runlinc and to make smart IOT projects quickly and easy to win STEM coding IOT , AI competition
About me
NAME: Mustafa Yassir Abbas Deyab - Scout Boy
AGE: 14th years old
HOPES: Innovating, Reading, Coding, Creative
SKILLS: Team player, Organize, Speakfull,
*I am a proud young inventor of Chia Funkuin Foundation CFF UN Economic Social Council ECOSOC accredited NGO
*I'm a Scout boy
*I'm a member In Kids Developer Community
*I'm a member of IEEE foundation
What is runlinc
-We can use other tecnologies for many projects, but we will encounter many problems, for example, that to light a lamp at least write more than fifty lines with , If we use Runlinc we can light the lamp in two or three lines of code and within 2 minutes , also we can activate the alarm In ten lines of code by Runlinc instead of hundreds of lines by Arduino, and this is what makes Runlinc the best technology program in the world
we learn this new technology by Mr. Peng Choo and Mr. Miroslav Kostecki both are Passionate about training primary level students to use Creativity to solve problems. Combine STEM with Social Entrepreneurship and calling it STEMSEL which represents Science Technology Engineering Maths Social Enterprise Learning. STEMSEL students are trained to program microchips to make STEM Invention projects which include the Internet of Things (loT) and Artificial Intelligence. The STEM Invention projects are the basis of starting up Al Invention Social Businesses to empower the people in need
My Mentors:
MR.Peng Choo
The founder of STEMSEL Technologies
MR.Miroslav Kostecki
The Technical manager of STEMSEL foundation
DR. Atif Abdlmageed
The senior advisor ITD World
Namin sola
ARTDO 2022 Malaysian conference
My Projects
I have changed my normal house into smart green energy house