Our Supporters

Dr Andy Thomas

Dr Andy Thomas is an Australian-born American aerospace engineer and a NASA astronaut. We had the chance to meet Dr Thomas at the opening of Adelaide Universities MECHexpo held at the Adelaide Showgrounds. He became so interested in ezSystem projects done by students and spent time understanding what their projects were about.
              Andy Thomas

Dr Jerry Madakbas

Dr Madakbas is the Chairman of Photek Pty Ltd, supplier of advanced imaging sensors (cameras) to the NASA Hubble Space Telescope, NASA ACE Explorer Satellite, and Cancer Research. He was one of our international judges in the Royal Adelaide Show. Now he is mentoring Kaviya (Stemsel student) with her project for Royal Adelaide Show 2012.

Dr Yew Kam Keong (YKK)

Dr YKK - distinguished Talent on Creativity recognized by the Australian Government - was our other international judge in the Royal Adelaide Show. He also found ezSystem very interesting and spent time talking to students and mentors to find out more about it.

Mr Bill Spurr

Mr Bill Spurr, the chairman of Education Adelaide, met us at the Royal Adelaide Show and was amazed by how our innovative ezSystem helped students do projects and improve their STEMSEL skills.
Bill Spurr

Squadron Leader Fernando C Gonzalez

At 2010 Royal Adelaide Show, Fernando Gonzalez - Squadron Leader of the Royal Australian Air Force - found an "Engineers Australia" sticker on the floor. He decided to find out more as he wanted to become a Council member of the South Australian Division of Engineers Australia. He found our stall as we had an Engineers Australia poster and was was very impressed by the students' work and told our technical manager that there was a model aircraft that was not functioning and wondered if we could fix it. The aircraft was sent to our Stemsel workshop and Stemsel students and mentors worked hard and completed the project. The model aircraft was displayed in 2011 Royal Adelaide Show at the Airforce cadets.

Nkandu Beltz

Nkandu Beltz is a young Social Pioneer who is the Founder & CEO of Youth Empowerment Programme Australia(YEPA) and works on various projects with the Aboriginal community. She is a judge for the Royal Adelaide Show STEMSEL competitions and recently became a full time STEMSEL ambassador. She plans to start a STEMSEL Chapter in Victoria.